Hello... Over the years, I've launched and nurtured four of my own companies into multi-million successes, each in under a year. My journey hasn't been without its challenges, but the lessons learned have been invaluable.

As a Business Consultant, I've helped numerous clients skyrocket their sales and revenue. One notable success was generating over £35 million for a client from scratch in just two and a half years. My strategies led to earning a significant fee of £1.27 million and a capital sum settlement.

My recent ventures include creating a windfall of £1.2 million for a client, with an additional £600K recurring annually, and securing a 40% equity stake in their company. With another client, over 6 months I quadrupled their income and developed a new distribution channel. With this I received a monthly consulting fee, a performance fee and again, 40% equity.

Having worked across various industries, I've discovered a universal truth: sales and marketing are the core of any business, no matter the product or service.

In the last two decades, I've trained and mentored thousands in marketing, sales, business development, franchising, business consulting, and deal making. Witnessing the monumental success of some of those I've trained, like Nigel Botterill, Kerwin Rae, Carl Allen, Michelle Peters and others, has been incredibly fulfilling.

My experiences have also led me to provide expert insights on TV, radio, and other media, as well as authoring over twenty proprietary business manuals and several books. I've also been privileged to provide expert opinion and comment on TV, radio and other media. Some years ago I was even featured in a UK Channel 4 documentary ‘How The Other Half Live’.

Now, with Alchemy Deal Making and its consulting training courses, I've integrated new, potent methods, markets, and strategies to keep pace with the evolving business landscape. This updated training is crafted to arm you with cutting-edge skills for unparalleled success in today's dynamic market.

Join me at Alchemy Deal Making, where we can work together to elevate your professional journey to new heights.

What Others Are Saying About David Abingdon

Dan Pena

The 50 Billion Dollar Man

"David Abingdon is certainly an 'out of the box' phenomenon! In the almost 20 years I've known him he's built 4 multi-million pound sterling organisation's from scratch..."

Peter Sun

Australian Real Estate Entrepreneur

"David is an amazing entrepreneur who has notched up some very impressive business successes... A great mentor of world class knowledge and professionalism."

Des Vadgama

Entrepreneur, London, UK

"I've been tracking David's business career over the last 18 years and his direct approach often shocks business owners and entrepreneurs. But time and again his strategies turn out to be nicely profitable."

Dudley Peacock

Entrepreneur, Cape Town, SA

"The supercharged tools and techniques has opened a new world for me. David Abingdon's direct, no-nonsense approach to marketing and business development is an absolute must for anyone in business."

Kim Davis

Wealth Manager, California, USA

"David, 'you the man!' Here are the keys to business success; a ready-made system with the strategies, concepts, ideas and application procedures which to operate."

Alchemy Deal Making is a trading style of Passport Ltd.

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